Frequently Asked Questions

Take Back Control With A Quality Insurance Policy 

Whether you are pursuing a super visa and need travel insurance in place, or are simply planning the ideal vacation, this service is essential to your success. From out of province travellers to visitors to Canada, there is no better way to prepare for the unknown than insuring yourself against the possibilities. You never truly know when your time of need will strike; so much of life is out of your control. Insurance lets you take back the reins and control your fate.


Have All The Information (FAQ)

We strive to ensure that every person and family has access to insurance. Perhaps you are seeking more information. Maybe you simply wish to know where to start. You could also be ready to start the process and want to expedite the transactions. It is normal to have questions about your insurance plan. Some of the most common inquiries include: 


What do I need in order to file for my insurance policy? 

Typically, all you need to file your policy is two copies of identification with one being a photo id. You will also need your credit card and health card, if applicable. Filing is generally very straightforward.   You can obtain the service online or through our user-friendly travel portal. 


How much will my Canadian travel insurance cost me?

Prices vary depending on the extent of your coverage. Generally speaking, the rates run as a percentage of your trip’s value. Typically, this is between 4% and 10% of the overall cost of your journey.


When does my insurance coverage take effect?

Provided you make arrangements in advance, travel insurance will take effect on the first day of your excursion and lapse upon your arrival back home. This means that, if obtained ahead of time, your insurance will take effect as soon as you arrive in Canada. On the other hand, if you get insurance after arrival, the insurer can implement a 48 hour waiting period.


I am applying for a super visa, are there any specific insurance requirements?

You must have travel insurance in place when pursuing a super visa. It is a part of the overall application process. In order to qualify, insurance must be obtained in advance from a Canadian insurance company. Coverage must reach a minimum of $100,000 in face-amount. To make the process more cost-effective, many choose to opt for a deductible.


Who does my policy cover?

You can choose who is covered by your policy, with arrangements available for both individuals and families.


What services are covered by my insurance plan?

All plans cover different things, so be sure to speak with your agent. Typically, they cover medical emergencies, evacuations, interruptions or delays in your trip, and lost or stolen items.


Do I need to prepare for out-of-pocket expenses?

Provided you are within Canada, out-of-pocket is limited since the agency can usually directly pay the biller. That said, there is a chance for a deductible, so consult with your agent to be certain. International travellers may run short-term expenses which are later reimbursed by the plan. For specifics, consult your agent or read the policy wording.

If you have a question not addressed here, simply reach out to one of our skilled representatives today for answers to all of your inquiries. Whatever your Canadian travel insurance needs may be, we are here to facilitate the process.



Communication & Transparency

Now that you have decided to pursue Canadian travel insurance, there are many factors you must think about to ensure your interests are thoroughly protected. There are some key things to consider before making your decision. The most important of these is transparency - ensuring that all policies and procedures are clearly set forth and easy to understand. Policy wording can be confusing to many, yet it is absolutely crucial to your getting the right policy. Ensure your comprehension of all aspects of your insurance policy by choosing a reliable and transparent purveyor.

The other key is communication - being certain that you can easily reach a representative when needed to get answers to your questions and updates on your file. We ensure prompt communication and the clear provision of information; so, when you need updates or information, contact our team for an efficient response. 



Insurance For Your Needs

Avoid paying higher than necessary premiums by consulting with an experienced and reputable company. Inform your representative of your situation in full, so that you can be fitted with the ideal policy. The needs of someone pursuing a super visa will be different than those for international students. Out of province travellers who are staying only a few weeks have different requirements than those completing their university studies across the country. You are an individual, and your insurance should reflect that uniqueness.

Take back control - contact our team today for comprehensive Canadian travel insurance information.